The Covid-19 outbreak has disrupted the fitness industry in an unprecedented way.

Business as usual is no longer a viable option and we need to find a better way.

Our clients are stressed out and need our help more than ever. 

It is up to us to bring them solutions that are accessible, affordable and innovative. 

And how would you like to create additional revenue streams to make sure that you are financially supported as you navigate these challenging times?  

My name is Julia Schneider and I specialize in developing holistic health and life transformation turnkey online programming. I can help you add more value to your clients, grow your online revenue and help your studio stand out amongst your competition. 

Let’s work together to create a program that is perfect for re-engaging your current clients and attracts new prospects as well. 

This will help you stand out from the crowd, amplify your clients’ results, encourage more client referrals and set you up as a go to expert in the health and fitness industry. 

Take a look at my Program Catalogue for turnkey program options.

When you see something that is a good fit for your clients, simply schedule a complimentary consultation with me and I will walk you through how this arrangement works. 





Holistic Self Care Coaching 2021
